Sabtu, 23 Mei 2015

Our Nail Art and Henna, Our Choice Today ( ́ ◕◞ε◟◕`)

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 20.54
Konbawa minna..
Hi .. I think it's a little while since I've posted anything anymore, because lately I'm busy with my activities on campus. moreover I became a choir at the event capping day on campus. But I'm glad it's over. fuhh

Okay, this time I'll tell you all about what I do after the event. hehehe. Although tired, I and my friends keep the spirit of doing something new .. I hope you are just like us guys. Gambaroo 

We makes henna and nail art course, because it is our hobby. We love to do it, including me and my friend Vivi. I was with my nail art and Vivi with her henna. And the result is pretty good anyway.

I also enjoyed myself today, because this is the first time I am in nail art by someone, usually i drew a nail art on the others nails. And the results are so kawaii .. I have not been able to give the picture now, but it looks like the image below as my nails are short. Feedback on campus should not be long nails.

Thanks to my friend Vivi for this kawaii nail art. And you you know, it was also very nice henna. Vivi also draw very nice henna, she drew in my friends neck and legs. 

Thankyou for reading minna.. Arigatou gozaimasu. (゚ヮ゚)

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