Minggu, 12 Juli 2015

Header for My New Blog

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 10.19 0 komentar

Let's Check it now ^^

Rabu, 01 Juli 2015

Welcome July, Welcome My Life

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 17.20 0 komentar
Dear Diary,
Wednesday, 01/07/2015

Welcome july
I'm grateful to be fasting until today. And I hope that is can be a blessing.
Actually I was very tired, but I had to keep my passion to do it, and for the sake of my parents who always supported me at home.
I would still go through even though it is very difficult for me. I pray that god always give me smoothness. Gambaroo for this July. I hope a lot of happiness in this July.

12 Things to Do in Japan in July ( ́ ◕◞ε◟◕`)

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 17.00 0 komentar

Welcome July..

Minna.. how are you today? O genki desu ka? If You're Moslem like me, I want to say "Happy Fasting, Less Anger More Kidness"(◕‿◕✿)

I think it's a long time since I did not post anything anymore and also didn't write a diary since my last post.
Gomen ... (◜௰◝)
I'm still busy with my real world, hehe
But don't worry, this time I wanted to post something again about 12 things to do in japan in july.
Okay lets go ..

Most of July is solidly in the rainy season. The good news is that the rainy season is over in Okinawa and Southern Kyushu. This is a great time to visit Japan's southern islands.

On average, the rainy season ends around July 20th in the Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto areas. School children get out for summer vacation at the end of July. Beaches open and the summer festival season starts to gain momentum. The excitement that comes with the start of summer hangs in the air.

1. Gion Matsuri
July 1 to July 29, Kyoto
The Gion Matsuri is a long, elaborate festival in Kyoto that occupies the entire month of July. The peak is the Yamaboko Junko (float parade) on July 17th and July 24th. The floats can weight over 12,000 kilograms. They're quite a sight.

2. Fuji Rock Festival
July 24 to July 26, Niigata
A legendary music festival that attracts top international artists and 100,000 fans for three days of music and camping.

3. Sumidagawa Fireworks
July 25, Tokyo
The world's oldest fireworks show in the historic Asakusa district of Tokyo.

4. Beach Season
July 18 to August 31
Japan has reasonably good beaches. The beach season, Instant confirmation varies from prefecture to prefecture and even by town. In most of the country, the beaches are open for the six weeks of school summer holidays.

5. Tenjin Matsuri
July 24 to July 25, Osaka
Osaka's biggest summer festival featuring fireworks, mikoshi, geisha, river boat bonfires and a parade of 3,000 people in the 8th century Imperial court costumes.

6. Hakata Gion Yamakasa
July 10 to July 15, Fukuoka
A five day festival that builds up to an early morning race of heavy floats through the streets of Fukuoka. Teams from seven districts of the city complete. Practically everyone in town Attends, around 1 million people in total.

7. Tanabata Festival
July 7, Multiple Regions of Japan
Tanabata is a festival of star crossed lovers that is celebrated by writing wishes on long colorful strips of paper and hanging them from bamboo branches. Tanabata festivals are held all over Japan. Some regions celebrate it in August.

8. Mount Fuji Climbing Season
Early July to Mid September, Mount Fuji
The Mount Fuji climbing season begins in July. The opening date varies by year Depending on the weather. Climbing Mount Fuji is somewhat challenging and some people experience altitude sickness. The trails, facilities and peak can be surprisingly crowded. Nevertheless, it's usually a memorable experience that instils a sense of accomplishment.

9. Nagoya Sumo Basho
July 12 to July 26, Nagoya
One of the six Grand Championships of Sumo wrestling. A chance to see the stars of the sport at their most competitive.

10. Obon
July 13 to July 15, Multiple Regions of Japan
Obon is a major Japanese holiday that's amongst the busiest and most expensive times to travel in Japan. It's celebrated with a wide variety of festivals all over the country. Some regions of Japan celebrate Obon in August.

11. Sapporo Summer Festival
July 22 to August 20, Sapporo
A variety of summer events in Sapporo that are packaged into a single festival that lasts a month or more. Events include dances Obon, firefly hunts, fireworks and the local Tanabata Festival. The center of the festival is a large beer garden in Odori Park.

12. Shinjuku Eisa Festival
Late July (unconfirmed), Tokyo
A celebration of the culture and dance of the Okinawan Islands in Tokyo's biggest neighborhood.

How do you thing? Which one that makes you attractive or just give it a try? I hope you enjoy it and keep the spirit and make wonderful memories in this July. Arigatou for reading.. 

Source: Japan Talk

Jumat, 12 Juni 2015

The Latest Way to Remove Chapta in Mediafire

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 01.21 0 komentar

Apakah kalian bingung bagaimana cara me-remove chapta terbaru di mediafire?
Jika iya, inilah yang ingin aku bahas saat ini karena aku juga sempat bingung dengan chapta terbaru Mediafire. Jika ingin mudah dan tidak ada chapta lagi, kalian bisa daftar pro user di Mediafire ya.. hehe

Oke, to the point aja yah..
Tapi maaf, aku tidak bisa kasih screenshot nya pada kalian, aku harap kalian bisa mengerti..
  • Pada saat chapta muncul, kan ada chapta yang muncul cuma setengah dan tidak kelihatan semuanya. Aku berfikir kenapa chapta menjadi begitu sulit? Tapi ada trik nya ya. Kalian cukup drag chapta itu ke atas sampai terlihat semua tulisan chaptanya.
  • Setelah itu tulis chapta itu pada kotak chapta yang bagian atas. Jika benar memasukkan chaptanya, akan ada kode dimana kita diharuskan mencopy kode tersebut pada kotak chapta yang bawah.
  • Kemudian klik verivikasi, jika berhasil akan ada peringatan "kode ini hanya berlaku 2 menit". Jika tidak redirect, refresh page dan taraa.. link download akan muncul.
Bagaimana? Jika ada yang masih belum mengerti, tanyakan di comment ya.. arigatou gozaimasu..

Download [Windows 7 Theme] Kawaii Pink Ao Haru Ride (─‿‿─)

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 00.25 2 komentar

Konbawa  (。✿‿✿。)

Lately I'm so happy to create a theme, I guess my hobby increased again.
This time I made my favorite anime theme, of course Ao Haru Ride. I'd better share my own themes to you all instead keep it to myself. And please enjoy this theme.

Download here:
Password: cherry-blossom

Credit by: Cherry Blossom

Caps Screen :

Rabu, 10 Juni 2015

Download Theme for Windows7 Rilakkuma

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 22.00 0 komentar

Konbawa minna..
This is my first self-made Rilakkuma's theme. I need to fight very hard for try to make this theme, and the result is pretty good I think for the first theme that I created. ha ha ha

I'll try to fix it later. If you want this theme, you can download it here. And sorry if still a bit messy, hehe
Enjoy it !!

Download here:

I Couldn't Stop Crying Today

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 09.15 0 komentar
Dear Diary
Wednesday, 10/06/2015

Senin, 08 Juni 2015

I Was Very Tired Today, but Yesterday Was a Pleasant "Kasmarun"

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 09.02 0 komentar
Dear Diary,
Sunday, 08/06/2015

Jumat, 05 Juni 2015

Cara Menghilangkan Jerawat According to My Version 。◕ ‿ ◕。

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 21.30 0 komentar
Konbawa minna..
Bagaimana kabar kalian hari ini? Semoga sahat-sehat saja ya.. walaupun aku sendiri sebenarnya agak kurang enak badan sejak minggu lalu. Yahh tapi doakan cepat sembuh ya, soalnya kan sakit itu nggak enak. Hehehe..

Oh ya, entah kenapa hari ini aku ingin sekali memposting menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Semoga saja menjadi kebiasaan ya.. But, i love English very much 

Exhausting Day on This Week

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 10.44 0 komentar
Dear Diary
Friday, 05/06/2015

Sabtu, 23 Mei 2015

Our Nail Art and Henna, Our Choice Today ( ́ ◕◞ε◟◕`)

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 20.54 0 komentar
Konbawa minna..
Hi .. I think it's a little while since I've posted anything anymore, because lately I'm busy with my activities on campus. moreover I became a choir at the event capping day on campus. But I'm glad it's over. fuhh

Okay, this time I'll tell you all about what I do after the event. hehehe. Although tired, I and my friends keep the spirit of doing something new .. I hope you are just like us guys. Gambaroo 

We makes henna and nail art course, because it is our hobby. We love to do it, including me and my friend Vivi. I was with my nail art and Vivi with her henna. And the result is pretty good anyway.

I also enjoyed myself today, because this is the first time I am in nail art by someone, usually i drew a nail art on the others nails. And the results are so kawaii .. I have not been able to give the picture now, but it looks like the image below as my nails are short. Feedback on campus should not be long nails.

Thanks to my friend Vivi for this kawaii nail art. And you you know, it was also very nice henna. Vivi also draw very nice henna, she drew in my friends neck and legs. 

Thankyou for reading minna.. Arigatou gozaimasu. (゚ヮ゚)

The Capping Day Event on My Campus

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 17.40 0 komentar
Dear Diary
Saturday, 23/05/2015

Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

Piano Instrument

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 09.55 0 komentar
Dear Diary
Tuesday, 19/05/2015

I Found the Interesting Things About Cherry Blossoms Yesterday (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 08.19 0 komentar
Konnichiwa minna san.. O genki desu ka? ≧◡≦
In this post, i want to share about an interesting thing to you all, of course about cherry blossoms. 
Ok check it now..

Minggu, 17 Mei 2015

Sakura (桜) Lyrics - By Ikimono Gakari (いきものがかり)

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 21.33 0 komentar
Sakura - Ikimono Gakari

Don't Let Stupid Boys Make You Sad

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 19.39 0 komentar
Dear Diary
Sunday, 17/05/2015

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015

Japanese Character, Rilakkuma リラックマ

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 22.02 0 komentar
Kyaaa.. Rilakkumaa,,
A kawaii bear character from Japan than makes me crazy, hohoho. But i didn't have the character of Rillakuma's goods. But my friends had one, but when i asked to give her Rilakkuma to me, she told me that there is only one for her key ring. Hiks.. Hiks.. But it's okay, i'll look it up another time.

This time, i will discuss about Rilakkuma, cute character from Japan. This is it..

Rilakkuma [ リラックマ, a combination of the Japanese pronouncisation of relax and the Japanese word for bear] is a character design by Aki Kondo, produced by San-X in 2003.

The factual story for Rilakkuma's being is that he mysteriously appears in the female office lady Kaoru's apartement one day. He is a soft toy bear who has apparently decided to take up residence there. On his back is a zipper which when opened reveals a light blue polka dot patterned material. The reason for the zipper on his back is unknown.

He was first seen in a series of picture books called " Rilakkuma Seikatsu " produced by San-X but since has become equally popular as a soft-toy character. In the picture books, he is often seen dressed up in a variety of costumers such as a kappa costume. In addition, it is implied that even in his usual appearance, his entire lower body is a costume, which he will often replace whwn it gets old or dirty ( Rilakkuma is frequenly seen sitting around waiting for suits that look exactly like him to dry on the clothes line. ). However, it is not clear whether his head is also part of his costume.
His favorite foods are dango, pancakes, omurice, custard pudding and grapes. True to his name, he enjoys relaxing and his favorite things include sleeping, lying around, watching television, listening to music and soaking in hotsprings. He loves using Kaoru's yellow bean bag pillow, although three has been some controversy whether or not the yellow bean bag pillow is in fact Kiiroitori.

Oh, i remember, i have one thing about Rilakkuma character, and that is a mirror. hehe..
Why can i forget? Maybe i was a bit snile. Okay, if you also Rilakkuma's buff we can share together, maybe..
Thankyou for reading and see you..

The Sky in Japan, Please Wait for Me

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 09.10 0 komentar
Dear Diary
Saturday, 16/05/2015

Jumat, 15 Mei 2015

The Japanese Art Of Beauty

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 20.45 0 komentar
This evening, i want to share about something that i have never thought of before that is a beauty of Japanese that pionereed by " Shu Uemura ". Let's see together..

" Breaking all boundaries in color creation "

Shu Uemura, named after its founder and legendary Japanese make-up artist. Mr. Shu Uemura, has been breaking the boundaries of beauty creation for over 50 years.

Inspired by a professional spirit of make-up artistry, Shu uemura was shaped on the founder's holistic philosophy that " beautiful make up starts with beautiful skin ". Stepped in the tradition that quality skincare is essential to creating artistic make-up exspression, Shu Uemura uses only the most innovative skincare formulas and breakthrough technologies to reveal every woman's inner beauty.

Employing a unique blend of nature, science and art combined with Shu Uemura 's pioneer spirit creates avant-grade make-up, high performance skincare and artistically-crafted professionally quality tools that fuse simplicity and elegance.

Shu Uemura's extraordinary color profussion, unparalleled in the world of make-up artistry, enabled every user to become a true artist liberated to freely experiment with infinite make up expression. Explore the world of Shu Uemura and find your own art of beauty.

" Nature "

With the highest value, placed on naturally gentle ingredient, many Shu Uemura products are formulated with deepsea water, a mineral-rich seawater, and asian phyto-ingredients that are known for their beneficial properties in improving the metabolism ot the skin.

" Science "

In a constant quest, for the most advanced thechnology to achieve beauty, Shu Uemura uses science and the intelligence of nature to formulate breakthrough products and thecniquest. Innovation in color expertise and skincare have secured Shu Uemura as a leader in the cosmetis industry.

" Art "

With the spirit of a true artist, Shu Uemura constantly pursues the highest standards of beauty, both in make-up creation and presentation. Mode make-up opened the artist's palette to the world encouraging visual expression in make-up never before seen or tried. Cosmetics products, make-up cases, packaging and brand visual are canvases for Shu Uemura to embellish with internationally recognized artist in limited edition collaborative works of art.

This is our pioneer, Shu Uemura

I hope a little of this article had been able to increase our knowledge. I will post more interesting things next time. Thanks for reading and see you next time..

Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

Ao Haru Ride Nail Art (ノ・ω・)ノ

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 07.59 0 komentar
Ohayou Minna, o genki desu ka??
Today, while i was surfing on youtube, i found this video. I was so amazed because they make this nail art. And it's kawaii. I love it so much ♥‿♥.. and i want to share this video to you all. This is it..

And one more...

What do you think about that? And you can add it to your nail art if you like Ao Haru Ride too. Hope you enjoy it and have a nice day >‿‿◕ 

Arigatou for reading and happy watching.. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Senin, 11 Mei 2015

Simple Nail Art from My Training Result

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 21.32 0 komentar
Lately, for some reason i was a bit lazy to do anything, it looks like my habits appear again. But now, that is a little lost, maybe..

Okay, in my post this time i will show you the result of my nail art that i made with my friend yesterday. I tried to make the symbol of "Infinite" ( Korean boyband ) on his request on her left finger and pink love on her right finger. Although a bit messy, but i'm happy because it shows that i've tried wholeheartedly. hehehe..

I made simple nail art as simple as possible because i still practicing, and it was very difficult i guess. And this is the result..

On "Infinite" symbol, first i use a black nail polish color as the base color. Then i use silver polish glitter for "Infinite" symbol. But, use a base coat to protect your nails before and a top coat for the finish. Then use a small dot to create an image for that symbol. Be careful when drawing if you are also begginers like me, because it is very difficult i think. But i hope not difficult for you.

Then, for the pink love, i used a pink nail polish as a base color and i add the glitter colors. Finish. You can use it on a regular days if you want. 

I will continue to strive for a better draw, and i always hope that my deck habit not quickly emerge.
Well, i hope my article can be useful for you, arigatou gozaimasu for reading... (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
 Thank a lot for my friend NadaNidiNodo ≧◡≦

Jumat, 08 Mei 2015

I Was Stripped of Nail Art Today

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 14.40 0 komentar
Dear Diary
Friday, 08/05/2015

Somehow, someday i wanted to explore one of my hobbies in nail art. And i already have the tools, but i think drawing on nails is very difficult because it's not as easy as in that tutorial. But because of that i was challenged to continue to do it, so i continue to practice from now.

I practiced with my dorm mates and she became a trial from my training everyday. And i like to use it also on my own. hehehe...

Kamis, 07 Mei 2015

My Favorite J-Pop List [Part II]

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 23.16 0 komentar
Konbawa ヽ(〃^▽^〃)ノ
In my early post, i will resume my post before about "My Favorite J-pop List". I will discuss about "Goose House". I know this Japanese music group from anime "Shigatsu wa Kimi No Uso", and i'm sure that you all already know about this anime. Ok let's check it now..

2. Goose House

Goose House (グースハウス) is a Japanese music group. At first, they were called "PlayYou.House". PlayYou.House was a project from Sony WALKMAN to make a house that consist of many talented youngsters and make their own music and streamed it live once every week. The members are Hana Sekitori, d-lze, Rioka Kanda, Saito Johnny, Kei Takebuchi, Shuhei Kudo, and Masahida Kimura.

They held their first stage event in 18 December 2010. In this event, they sold their own official goods and CD debut, titled "Sing".
Later, they decided to change their name to Goose House because the member was increasing, and if they're making a lot of noise it would sounded like a goose. Their first live streaming as Goose House was held in 7 May 2011.

Since 2011, Goose House now has over 881,688 subscribers, with their videos earning over 325 million views. Besides doing covers of Japanese songs, they also compose their own songs. In 2014, their song was used in several anime. Start with "Oto no Naru Hou E" as opening of anime "Gin no Saji" and "Hikaru Nara" as a opening of anime "Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso" following later in the same year.

Current Members

Shuhei Kudo ( Vocals, guitar, harmonica, HBB )
Shuhei Watanabe ( Vocals, guitar, bass )
Johnny Saito ( Vocals, guitar, banjo, mandolin )
Kei Takebuchi ( Vocals, piano )
Migiwa Takezawa ( Vocals, acoustic guitar, piano, drums )
Manami ( Vocals, guitar )
Sayaka ( Vocals, piano )


Hana Sekitori ( PlayYou.House )
Chihiro Nakamura ( Play.You.House )
Masahida Kimura ( Vocals, piano )
Rioka Kanda ( Vocals,piano )
d-ize ( Leader, vocals, piano, trumpet )


Phrase #01 ( 2011 )
Phrase #02 Sky ( 2011 )
Phrase #03 Wamdering ( 2012 )
Phrase #04 Beautiful Life ( 2012 )
Phrase #05  [この指とまれ] ( Kono Yubi Tomare ) ( 2013 )
Phrase #06 [サクラへ] (Sakura e ) ( 2013 )
Phrase #07 Soundtreck? ( 2013 )
Phrase #08 [オトノナルホウヘ/恋はヒラひらり] (Oto no Naru Hou E / Koi wa Hira Hirari) (2014)
Phrase #09 [ 光るなら] ( Hikaru Nara ) ( 2014 )
Phrase #10 Milk ( 2015 )
Phrase #11 Bitter ( 2015 )

I like them because their songs are so unique and melt when you hearing it. I think enough, and up here i discuss about Goose House. I'll see you again in my next post at "My Favorite J-Pop List [ Part III ]"
Arigatou for reading (◠︿◠✿)

Sources: last.fm and generasia

I Want To Cry o(╥﹏╥)o

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 08.52 0 komentar
Dear Diary
Thursday, 07/05/2015

How to Make Cherry Blossom Macarons with Black Sesame

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 07.05 0 komentar
Finally i can post something about my favorite things. That is "Cherry Blossom and Macaroon". You know, i really liked it and i craziest crazy if there is something related to it whatever it is.
Oh God, i'm very happy today.

Is there anything more kawaii than a cherry blossom macaron? Resembling tiny pink hamburgers, these petite and delightful cookies offer a creamy filling-made with white chocolate, the essence of cherry blossoms and black sesame-sandwiched between super-fluffy meringue-like wafers that melted in your mouth. Some sources suggest that the French-style macaron dates back to 1553, and after variations have developed in Switzerland, Japan and Korea, these adorable treats have finally been popping up all around the US and Canada in recent years.

Ingredients ( filling )

7 ounces/200 grams white chocolate, finely chopped
4 ounces/120 mililiters heavy cream
5 tablespons ( 5 ounces/150 grams )
Cherry blossom essence
Black sesame seeds

Ingredients ( shell )

1 cup ( 4,4 ounces/125 grams ) almond flour, sifted through a very fine sifter
3/4 cup plus 2 tablespons ( 4,4 ounces/250 grams) confectioners' sugar
4 mwdium egg whites ( 3,1 ounces/90 grams )
1/2 cup plus 5 teaspons ( 4,4 ounces/250 grams ) granulated sugar
2 tablespons ( 1 ounce/30 grams ) water
Food coloring ( your favorite rose or violet tone )

Method ( filling )

Place the white chocolate in a medium bowl. Bring the cream to boil over medium-high heat in a small saucepan and pour it over the chocolate. Allow the mixture to rest for about two minutes, then stir until the mixture is smooth and the white chocolate is completely melted. Allow to cool for about five minutes, then stir in the crème fraîche  and a few drops of cherry blossom essence. Cover the bowl with foil and refrigerate it until the mixture thickens.

Method ( shell )
  1. Place the almond flour, confectioners' sugar and half of the egg whites in a large bowl and stir with a rubber spatula until well combined.
  2. Place the remaining egg whites in a clean, dry bowl and fit an electric mixer with the whisk attachment.
  3. In a medium saucepan, bring the sugar and water to a boil over medium-high heat. Cook until the syrup registers 235°F / 133°C on a candy thermometer, at which point you should start beating the whites on medium speed. ( They should reach soft peak consistency ). When the syrup reaches 244°F/188°C, slowly and steadily pour it into the egg whites with the mixer still running. Continue beating until the egg whites turn inti stiff, glossy peaks, about three minutes.
  4. Using a rubber spatula, fold a third of the meringue into the almond flour mixture until it is throughly combined. Gently fold in the remaining meringue. Add food coloring, folding in after each drop is added ( a little goes a long way ), until desired color is attained.
  5. Fill a piping bag fifted with a number 10 pastry tip. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and use some of the batter to anchor the corners down to the sheet. Pipe small dollops of the macaron mixture onto the parchment. If you have small peaks on your shells, carefully tap the baking tray on your kithen surface and they will dissapear.
  6. Adjust an oven rack to the middle position and preheat the oven to 325°F/165°C. If available, set the oven convenction.
  7. Allow the macarons to rest for 20 minutes to allow them to dry out a bit. To test them, carefully touch them with a fingertip; if they aren't sticky, they are ready to bake.
  8. Bake the macarons for six minutes, open the oven to allow excess steam to escape, rotate the baking sheet, then continue baking for an additional six minutes. Transfer the baking sheet to a cooling rack and cool the macarons completely.
  9. To assemble, fill a piping bag with the white chocolate ganache and dollop a bit on the bottom ( flat ) side of half of the macarons then sandwich the remaining halves on top. Roll the edges in black sesame seeds.
  10. Although it is had to resist, the filled macarons need to rest in a airtight container in the refrigerator for a full day before you eat them. If prepared this way, the moisture of the filling makes the shell as soft as it should be.
  11. Note: While cup measurements are provided in this recipe, a scale to weigh out ingredients is highly recommended. Baking is an exact science, and it is doubly so when making delicate confection such as macarons. Use high-quality white chocolate for best result.

Makes about 30 macarons.

Do you want to try it now? Good luck..
Arigatou for reading..

Source: kinfolk

Rabu, 06 Mei 2015

" Weird Japanese Candy "

Diposting oleh Cherry Blossom-ride di 06.25 0 komentar
Ohayou minna...
O genki desu ka? I hope you are fine today. Okay in this occasion i want share to you about " Weird Japanese Candy ".

If you thought the food in Japan was a bit strange, have you ever seen Japanese candy? Not everything is sweet or made of chocolate and sometimes the things made of chocolate are very surprising. Say what you will about Japanese cuisine, but they are extremly adventurous when it come to new flavors, especially in candy. Whether you like your candy sweet, chocolaty, sour or maybe even a bit savory there's Japanese candy out there that you've got to try (we'll be honest, there's plenty to avoid too). Take a look at this sampling of " Weird Japanese Candy " and decide for yourself what sound delicious or disgusting.

1. Pocky
If you've had Japanese candy you've had chocolate Pocky, but have you ever tried Men's Pocky or Black Sesame Pocky? There are countless flavors that range from sweet to savory

2. Gummy Collagen Candy
Apparently in Japan you don't pump collagen into your face, but you eat it

3. Shigekix Super Cola
Everything from the weird packaging to the flavor is just so stranglyJapanese. Shigekix Super Cola candy combines extremly sour lemony flavor with salty flavor that guarantees to make your mount pucker up like that weid cartoon cat creature on the cover.

4. Pickle EX Lemon Milk
There's nothing about these flavors that make sense together. Wouldn't lemon milk go sour?

5. Squid Candy
I dont know much about squid candy, but i've been told " beware of the oozing juice "

6. Sweet Corn + Soy Sauce Drops
For some reason Japanese candies are likely to be savory as they are sweet, like this Yaki Toukibi Sweet Corn and Soy Sauce snack.

7. Dew Dew Mix
There's nothing all that weird about fruit hard candy, but i can stop giggling at the name long enough to try it.

8. Hello Kitty Collon Candy
Did collon candies really need to be branded with Hello Kitty? This is kind of upsetting.

9. Aha! Brain Candies
Extremely sour energy candies that are also known as Pacman's acid trip.

10. Smart Time Chocolate Gum
Freshen your breath with the refreshing of ... chocolate?

11. Scallop Candy
Oh come on. Are you even surprised after Squid Candy? Candy scallops prepared in sweet sauce and individually wrapped.

12. Kit Kat
Move over Pocky, Japan has a new favorite chocolate stick treat. Kit Kats are a big hit in Japan and as a result there are now weird flavors like green tea and chili powder.

Now, what do you think about that? Where weird candy would you like to try? You may want to try all that candies i think. But, let's gambaroo to go to Japan first. (◠ω◠✿)
Thankyou for reading...

Source: kidcrave

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